After completing a first class honours degree in Humanities at La Sapienza University in Rome Alvaro moved to London and studied for a second degree in Fine Art at Central St Martin’s. Since graduating, 15 years ago, he has been painting professionally.
Alvaro constantly experiments with media and approaches to create different textures and atmospheres. Colours and marks are often rinsed off or erased to represent a void where microcosms turn into macrocosms and vice versa. To create this network of images and landscape references, he employs a variety of approaches including paper laminating, alternative photographic processes, wax treatment alongside acrylics, oils, watercolor and ink, the latter being his preferred painting medium.

The pleasure of drawing, flashes of enlightenments and half-forgotten
memories find a meeting point in these images and series.
Viewers are invited to envisage their own path through the elusive network of symbolic images. They spontaneously surface from my subconscious, but are also carefully planned and executed. Each piece emerges from a continuous process of layering, erasure and reprocessing.

Each picture emerges from a continuous process of experimentation, layering and reprocessing. It might take the shape of a misty seascape, an iceberg, a forest or a snowy mountain. What interests me most is that it carries the sense of adventure for the journey so far and for the possibility of movement towards a new place.